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Mobile Classroom

Our Mobile Classroom is a project-based woodworking class that supports SEL development, critical thinking, and early career exploration through hands-on woodworking courses.

Built for Elementary to Middle School students, this program is perfect to learn the basics of woodworking, how to properly use tools, and how to pick the appropriate safety equipment.

Why Woodworking?

Studies show that industrial arts have amazing benefits to physical and mental health for everyone, especially children and young adults.  These studies consistently show three main benefit categories: emotional regulation, cognitive flexibility, and social connectedness.

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Emotional Regulation

Emotional Regulation is the ability to channel emotions in healthy ways.  Industrial arts build emotional regulation by encouraging students to work through difficult challenges and the complex emotions that come with it.  Accomplishing the task boosts students’ moods, self-worth, and shows that they are able and capable of accomplishing hard tasks.

Cognitive Flexibility

Cognitive Flexibility is the ability to change the way we look at a problem.  Industrial arts encourage students to think in new and novel ways to reach unique solutions.Social Connectedness is about personal relationships.  Hands-on industrial arts provide creative collaboration, sharing ideas, and working together towards a common goal.  

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Social Connectedness

ocial Connectedness is about personal relationships.  Hands-on industrial arts provide creative collaboration, sharing ideas, and working together towards a common goal.  

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